News & Press


Legal Hackers Roma, Webinar, 11 December 2020: Informative Fantastiche e Come Progettarle

Diritto al Digitale, Podcast, 11 December 2020: La rilevanza del legal design per le aziende con Stefania Passera

Artificial Lawyer, 27 November 2020: European Women of Legal Tech Winners – The Full List

SKYE Contracts Future Series, Podcast, 19 November 2020: Legal Design Pioneers Panel, Podcast, 8 October 2020: Legal Design Insight con Stefania Passera

Design@Large, 12 April 2020: Il Legal Design aiuta i cittadini a capire leggi e regole. E dovrebbe essere un diritto, soprattutto nelle emergenze

Greater Than Conversations, Webinar, Episode 4 – Stefania Passera, 25 February 2020:


Stefania Passera, Guest post on Juro Blog, 11 December 2019: Can contract design build stronger relationships?

Financial Times, 22 October 2019: Can contracts use pictures instead of words?

Il Sole 24 Ore, 3 October 2019: I contratti ridisegnati a regola d’arte

IACCM Contracting Excellence Journal, 8 September 2019 Start your simplification journey with the IACCM Contract Design Pattern Library


Stefania Passera, Guest post on Juro Blog, 10 May 2018: Why the time has come for design thinking and visualisation in legal documents

Richard Mabey, Juro Blog, 5 May 2018: Privacy by design: building a privacy policy people actually want to read

Juristikirje, 30 April 2018: Oikeudellinen muotoilu koskettaa meitä kaikkia

LegalGeek Blog, 22 March 2018: Legal Design WTF?

Law Society of Ireland Gazette, 16 February 2018: Holy Boilerplate, Batman! (from page 43)

500 Words Blog, 6 February 2018: Contracts create success


Aalto Design Factory Blog, 08 December 2017: How to start using more visual cues in your work and tune into your creative side

Good News from Finland, 10 November 2017: Five for Friday: Legal and strategic design

Adrian Camara, 18 October 2017: Cartoon Contracts? Welcome to the wild world of legal information design

Lawyers on Fire podcast, 23 August 2017: Chat with Stefania Passera on Legal Information Design (S02 E01) 

Seungho Lee: Interview with Stefania Passera, Part 1 and Part 2 (14 August 2017)

IACCM Contracting Excellence, 24 July 2017: Contract simplification: the why and the how

ContractsProf Blog, 14 June 2017: Empirical Study Shows Diagrams Made a Contract Easier to Use and Understand

Mari Kiviniemi, 30 May 2017: Katso yllätysnimi! Tiedon visualisoinnin edelläkävijä Suomessa ei ole media vaan…

Italia Oggi, 1 May 2017: Una designer dei contratti

Helsinki Law Review, 7 February 2017: Elements of Style – Helena Haapio ja Stefania Passera: Visualizing Law

La Magistratura, 20 January 2017: L’opportunità del Legal Design


Helsinki Design Week, 23 November 2016: Design overturns legal services

Helsinki Design Week, 23 November 2016: Muotoilu mullistaa juridiikka


National Magazine, 19 February 2015: What you see is what you understand: Using visuals in contracts

Legal Futures, 26 January 2015: Beautiful Law: how design and visualisation can make law simpler, useful and even fascinating


FuturesLab CoFi Blogi, 11 December 2014: Sopimusten visualisointi – Viso-hankkeen oppeja tulevaan Morfeus-hankkeeseen

IACCM Contracting Excellence, 10 December 2014: Contract visualization – boost your brand and bridge the language barrier

Eye Magazine, 24 April 2014: The promise of information

Grafik, 18 April 2014: Data Drive

Wikimedia Blog, 12 February 2014: Launching an Unconventional Trademark Policy for Open Collaboration

Your Inspiration Web, 10 February 2014: Legal Design Jam – Una ventata di novità

Caffé 2.0 Podcast, 16 January 2014: I nuovi Legal Designer al Tag Milano l’11.2.2014 con Stefania Passera


Espoo Museum of Modern Art, 12 November 2013: Taidekokoelman elämää Espoossa

Open Law Lab, 26 October 2013: Legal Design Jam, A Sketchnote

VoxPopuLII, 15 May 2013: Visual Law: What lawyers need to learn from information designers

Intellectual Transit Zone, 24 January 2013: Sopimusten visualisoinnista voi tulla suomalainen vientituote 


Kielikello, February 2012: Sopimusten ja säädösten visualisointi: Tie toimivampiin teksteihin

Uusi Suomi, 19 February 2012: Sopimusten visualisoinnilla järkeä palveluiden hankintaan


Kotona, 13 December 2011: Suomalaiset, soittakaa mummolle! (Page 20)

City, 4 May 2011: Tuoreet Naamat


Länsiväylä, 10 December 2010: Muista mummoa edes jouluna

MTV, 12 August 2010: “Miten on mahdollista, että jätämme omammekin yksin?”

Iltasanomat, 11 August 2010: Soita mummolle -päivä veti väkeä Narinkkatorille

YLE Uutiset, 11 August 2010: Muista mummoa puhelinsoitolla

Helsingin Sanomat, 9 August 2010: Nettikysely: Joka viides ei soita isovanhemmilleen

Kirkko ja Kaupunki, 2 August 2010: Kampanjassa huolehditaan isovanhemmista